Royal Fine Jewelers Blog
Scientists Find Sure Sign of Untapped Diamond Riches in Antarctica
December 31st, 2013
About the Author
Since Royal Fine Jewelers is a family business, owner Sandee Schulwolf and her staff are committed to Louisville and their customers. According to Sandee, "Reputation follows you and that's why we have been in business since 1947. Every customer who walks through our door is very important to us, whether they buy a $20,000.00 ring or a $10 watch band."
Jewelry should not be a commodity, but a beautiful piece of art that makes the wearer feel special. We want your purchase at Royal Fine Jewelers to be a pleasant experience with attentive and knowledgeable salespeople. We strive to have fine quality jewelry, good values and many one of a kind pieces. If you want that special piece of jewelry come visit us at Royal Fine Jewelers.
Please enjoy our daily blog postings. We will be scanning the Internet for unusual, entertaining and informative items related to fine jewelry and gemstones.
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